Los días 25 y 26 de junio de 2023 tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Elon (Carolina del Norte, EEUU) la “2023 Conference on engaged learning”. Tendrá también un formato de conexión online.
Consideramos que pueden tener un lugar relevante las experiencias ApS dado su carácter motivador, experiencial lleno de compromiso, responsabilidad social y aprendizaje.
Hasta el 31 de marzo se puede participar.
“The annual Conference on Engaged Learning showcases cutting-edge research on engaged learning. Each annual conference features multi-institutional research from a specific Center for Engaged Learning research seminar, invites research updates from past seminar participants and conference presenters, and encourages contributions from other scholars and practitioners studying engaged learning practices.
We invite scholars interested in engaged learning topics (particularly the themes listed below) to join the culminating conversations of the 2020-2023 Research Seminar on (Re)Examining Conditions for Meaningful Learning at the 2023 Conference on Engaged Learning at Elon University, June 25-26, 2023. We especially encourage proposals that attend to diversity, inclusion, and equity within or across these engaged learning practice.”